Yacht Rock Revenge!

About a year ago, I put out a playlist called the 70s and 80s soft rock supercoma. I love that playlist so much, I’ve decided to make a second version. Yes, the yacht rock revenge is here and ready to sooth you into a sense of late 70s, early 80s sense of false security.

Yacht Rock revenge (or, YRR) is the perfect playlist to sip mimosas, while sailing around the marina and contemplating the finer things of life. What’s that? You don’t have a yacht to sail? Per shame son, per shame! Why, I was on my 39 foot neoclassical the other day and thinking about what a waste of a life I had before I owned my first sailing vessel….I was practically empty inside. Ok, just kidding…I don’t own so much as a rowboat! But I digress.

YRR features artists such as Michael McDonald, Ambrosia, Kenny Loggins, Seals and Croft, Orleans, Steve Winwood, Van Morrison, Christopher Cross, and more. If that isn’t a cornucopia of soft rock supercoma hits….I’ll eat my caviar without any capers….like a common neanderthal!

Sail away with Soft Rock Supercoma 2: Yacht Rock Revenge!

Yacht Rock Revenge

Buffy, I want more yacht rock revenge!

Oh, too bad….we’ll not have any new yacht rock for quite some time. Well, unless you bribe me with a ride on your yacht. We will have more 80s music real soon though! Next week’s playlist features a good amount of power pop, power ballads, and all kinds of powerful music. It’s going to be exciting!

Speaking of exciting 80s music, this week’s featured article will be a cover vs original looking at “Everybody Wants to Rule the World” by Tears for Fears. I look at covers by the likes of Gloria Gaynor, Lorde, and several artists.

Until next time, keep your stern low, and your ropes tied. Oh, who am I kidding….I know nothing about this sailing stuff! Besides, I’d rather get a motor yacht over a sailing yacht anyways!

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